Sponsor: IntactLab Leader

Mission: Creating buzz on the Montreal talent market and reduce recruitment time.

Hats worn: Founder, Organiser, Host, Cleaning service

If I accept this job, I will lose market credibility and be stuck in insurance forever.
— Creative Director refusing a job opportunity at IntactLab in 2015


To create a casual platform where UX-ers can share practices, initiate newcomers, and network.

Why does IntactLab need an event?

  • Make IntactLab a community hub for Design, Fintech and Innovation

  • Attract talent by demystifying working in the insurance and/or corporate sector

  • Network and create meaningful relationships within the tech industry

Structure of a event:



Driving force behind an exceptional UX: User testing

June 2017

User insights are the key differentiator when building a delightful and optimal customer experience.

See past event

Technology and the Future of Storytelling

Oct 2017

Throughout history, storytelling has been used to communicate, inspire and educate. Today, technology is reshaping the way we tell stories.

See past event

The Age of Assistance

March 2018

Four speakers will share insights about AI, machine learning, ambient computing and IoT and how it impacts our daily life and businesses.

See past event


The presented work is a result of a group of talented people that I have been part of. I will happily grab a coffee with you and share more details about my work and contribution.

Digital projects